Travel Insurance

The last thing you want to think about when you’re off on a long-awaited holiday is things going wrong. Unfortunately, things can: flight cancellations, accidents that leave you with unforeseen medical costs, or theft of your belongings are just three incidents that can cause severe financial stress.

Travel insurance is an inexpensive way to protect yourself and your belongings while travelling. You’ll have financial protection and peace of mind whether your travels take you domestically or abroad. Let’s face it… things happen:

Someone snatches your computer… your luggage falls off the bus to Kathmandu, never to be seen again… you lose your passport in the jungles of Cambodia… you are bitten by a donkey in India… an Icelandic volcano erupts and all flight travel to your destination stops… or (worst of all) you get sick two days before you’re scheduled to leave… these are all expensive, and a hassle to deal with. But what about the non-refundable tour or flight that you still have to pay for even if you can’t go?

While fun to plan a trip and it’s no fun at all to think about things ruining your holiday, you’ll have a much better time knowing that if the unexpected happens, it’s all going to be okay.

Ideal Insurance wants you to have a great trip, whether you’re travelling for business or for pleasure. Talk to us today, and get the right travel protection for you!

Ensure you’re covered